About Us

The Easter Group formed as a result of the weekly educational meetings held during the Lenten Season of 2009. Focus of the ecumenical meetings was the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals [MDGs]. The MDGs were developed in 2000 by leaders from 191 nations, including the United States, as the core of a plan to cut extreme global poverty in half by 2015. The eight goals are:


  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • Achieve universal primary education for children
  • Promote gender equality and empower women
  • Reduce child mortality
  • Improve maternal health
  • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
  • Ensure environmental sustainability
  • Create a global partnership for development.


On 9/27/12 the Easter Group became classified as a Public Charity and is tax exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3). On 8/4/17 we added Sitka Outreach and Support: Lifeline as our doing business as name to help better describe our work.


Mission Statement


The purpose of this organization is to be a collaborative community of concerned individuals, organizations, agencies, and faith-based communities in Sitka, Alaska committed to working together to address and support the comprehensive needs of those experiencing poverty and/or homelessness in our community so as to bring about hope.




  • President: Julia Smith
  • Vice-President: Julie Platson
  • Treasurer: Open
  • Secretary: Mary Wegner

Annual Goals


Issue 1: Outreach and Education Regarding Homelessness

  • Hold a Project Homeless Connect event annually
  • Support Salvation Army in the Point in Time count
  • Facilitate a Homeless Summit bi-annually on even years
  • Hold a Candlelight Vigil on December 21st annually for National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day
  • Provide funds to individuals in need of services
  • Explore opportunities to advocate for the homeless specifically and vulnerable populations


Issue 2: Hunger and Nutrition


  • Support student nutrition program requests
  • Explore the possibility of working with other local service organizations regarding the development of a summer food program


Contact Us: [907] 738-6336 / eastergroupsitka@gmail.com / 303 Kimsham St, Sitka, AK 99835 / Facebook